import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin', 'ROLE_Manager', 'ROLE_TaskManager', 'ROLE_TaskUser']) class EntryDetailedController extends BaseController { def authService def taskService def index = { redirect(action:list,params:params) } // the delete, save and update actions only accept POST requests static allowedMethods = [delete:'POST', save:'POST', update:'POST'] def list = { if(!params.max) params.max = 10 [ entryInstanceList: Entry.list( params ) ] } def show = { def entryInstance = Entry.get( ) if(!entryInstance) { flash.message = "Entry not found with id ${}" redirect(controller: 'taskDetailed', action: 'search') } else { return [ entryInstance : entryInstance ] } } def delete = { def entryInstance = Entry.get( ) if(entryInstance) { if(entryInstance.enteredBy.loginName == authService.currentUser.loginName) { def taskId = entryInstance.delete(flush:true) flash.message = "Entry ${} deleted" redirect(controller: 'taskDetailed', action: 'show', id: taskId) } else { flash.message = "You may only delete your own entries." redirect(action:show, } } else { flash.message = "Entry not found with id ${}" redirect(controller: "taskDetailed", action:"search") } } def edit = { def entryInstance = Entry.get( ) if(!entryInstance) { flash.message = "Entry not found with id ${}" redirect(controller: "taskDetailed", action:"search") } else { if(entryInstance.enteredBy.loginName == authService.currentUser.loginName) { return [ entryInstance : entryInstance ] } else { flash.message = "You may only edit your own entries." redirect(action:show, } } } /// @todo: Refactor to taskService and include moving task to "In Progress" when Entry.duration is updated. def update = { def entryInstance = Entry.get( ) if(entryInstance) { // The update method only accepts post requests, so this is just in case. if(entryInstance.enteredBy.loginName == authService.currentUser.loginName) { = params if(!entryInstance.hasErrors() && true)) { // If PM Entry update task.highestSeverity if( == 6) { def clist = [] entryInstance.task.entries.each { entry -> if( == 6) clist << entry.highestSeverity } if(clist) entryInstance.task.highestSeverity = clist.sort{p1,p2 -> <=>}[0] } flash.message = "Entry ${} updated" redirect(action:show, } else { render(view:'edit',model:[entryInstance:entryInstance]) } } else { flash.message = "You may only edit your own entries." redirect(action:show, } } else { flash.message = "Entry not found with id ${}" redirect(controller: "taskDetailed", action:"search") } } def ajaxCreate = { if(!params.taskId || !params.entryTypeId) { response.status = 403 params.errorMessage = g.message(code: "") render(template: "/shared/messages") return } def taskInstance = if(!taskInstance) { response.status = 403 params.errorMessage = g.message(code:"default.not.found", args:['Task',params.taskId]) render(template: "/shared/messages") return } // Check for Complete task. if( == 3) { response.status = 403 params.errorMessage = g.message(code:"task.operationNotPermittedOnCompleteTask") render(template: "/shared/messages") return } // Success. def entryInstance = new Entry() entryInstance.task = taskInstance entryInstance.entryType = render(template: "create", model: ['entryInstance': entryInstance]) } def ajaxSave = { def result = taskService.saveEntry(params) // Success. if(!result.error) { def entryList = Entry.withCriteria { eq("entryType", result.entryInstance.entryType) task { idEq(result.taskId) } } render(template: "list", model: ['entryList': entryList]) return } if(result.error.code != "default.create.failure") { response.status = 403 params.errorMessage = g.message(code: result.error.code) render(template: "/shared/messages") return } response.status = 403 render(template: "create", model: ['entryInstance': result.entryInstance]) } // ajaxSave def create = { if(!params.taskInstance?.id || !params.entryType?.id) { flash.message = g.message(code:"") redirect(controller:"taskDetailed", action:"search") return } def taskInstance = if(!taskInstance) { flash.message = g.message(code:"task.notFound") redirect(controller:"taskDetailed", action:"search") return } // Check for Complete task. if( == 3) { flash.errorMessage = g.message(code:"task.operationNotPermittedOnCompleteTask") redirect(controller:"taskDetailed", action:"show", id: return } def entryInstance = new Entry() entryInstance.task = taskInstance entryInstance.entryType = return ['entryInstance': entryInstance] } // create def save = { def result = taskService.saveEntry(params) if(!result.error) { flash.message = "Entry created." redirect(controller: "taskDetailed", action: "show", id: result.taskId) return } if(result.error.code != "default.create.failure") { params.errorMessage = g.message(code: result.error.code) } render(view:'create',model:[entryInstance: result.entryInstance]) } // save } // end class