import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.* /** * Provides a quartz job that reindex's the Lucene index for the Inventory domain class. * With concurrent=false the repeat interval starts after the previous job completes. * We need a hibernate session otherwise we get a LazyInitializationException, default is true but we specify it to be sure. */ class InventoryReindexJob { def concurrent = false def sessionRequired = true static triggers = { // Cron fields: // 'Seconds Minutes Hours DOM Month DOW Year(Optional)' // See: // Trigger every hour on the hour: cron name: 'RebuildInventoryIndex', cronExpression: "0 0 * * * ?" } def execute() { // Some information can be accessed if we run with "def execute(context) ". // For more info see: // log.debug context.getTrigger() // log.debug context.getPreviousFireTime() // log.debug context.getFireTime() // Reindex the Inventory domain class. "Rebuilding Lucene index, Inventory.reindex()." InventoryItem.reindex() "Rebuilding Lucene index, complete." } }