import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.* /** * Provides a quartz job that reviews and generates all recurring tasks. * The quartz scheduler is restarted if this file is edited so startDelay will then delay again. * The execute method is called once every repeatInterval (in milliseconds). * With concurrent=false the next job is blocked until the previous job completes. * Apparently we need a hibernate session otherwise we get a LazyInitializationException, default is true but we specify it to be sure. */ class TaskRecurringScheduleJob { def taskRecurringScheduleService def concurrent = false def sessionRequired = true // The repeatInterval starts counting again after firing, but concurrent = false may block firing until the previous job completes. static triggers = { simple name: "GenerateAll", startDelay: 60000, repeatInterval: ConfigurationHolder.config.taskRecurringScheduleJob.repeatInterval*1000 } def execute() { // Some information can be accessed if we run with "def execute(context) ". // For more info see: // log.debug context.getTrigger() // log.debug context.getPreviousFireTime() // log.debug context.getFireTime() // We do everything via services, quartz just sets up and fires off the thread. taskRecurringScheduleService.generateAll() } }