15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to inventory advanced search.
Only active assets and …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to stockTakeByLocation report, includes heap memory …
15 years |
gav |
Add InventoryItemService savePicture(), part 2.
Add some more …
15 years |
gav |
Add InventoryItemService savePicture().
Add bulk tests for inventory …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Inventory Stock Take reports, MSSQL does not like …
15 years |
gav |
Add new Inventory Stock Take reports.
15 years |
gav |
Update report templates, add downloadTemplate action and general tidy …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Immediate Callout Report.
15 years |
gav |
Upgrade RichUi? plugin to version 0.8, which includes a fix for the …
15 years |
gav |
Start Immediate Callout report.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Reactive Ratio report.
Add header and footer to …
15 years |
gav |
Deleted: svn:executable on bullet_delete.png
15 years |
gav |
Add comment to main css, commonly used application colours.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report, small fix to logoURL retrieval. …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report, standardise colours and small …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor CreateDataService so that demo asset tree is created first, …
15 years |
gav |
Add ReportController, TaskReportService and start template reports.
15 years |
gav |
Install jasper plugin.
Add BuildConfig.groovy.
Svn delete …
15 years |
gav |
Refactor UpadateRev script to improve handling when not running in a …
15 years |
gav |
Small spelling correction.
15 years |
gav |
Tweak CreateDataService to prevent issues during testing.
Repair …
15 years |
gav |
Prevent updateVcsRevision running in test environment.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor UpadateRev script to fix classNotFound exception and make …
15 years |
gav |
Refactor UpadateRev script to fix classNotFound exception and make …
15 years |
gav |
Default task search results per page to 100.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor TaskSearchServicve getBudgetTasks() to use HQL.
15 years |
gav |
Remove "Predictive Maintenance" TaskType.
15 years |
gav |
Add UpdateRev.groovy and _Events.groovy scripts to update …
15 years |
gav |
Add version information to about view.
15 years |
gav |
Add SVN revision keyword to application properties file.
15 years |
gav |
Show a development header logo in all environments except production.
15 years |
gav |
Allow InventoryItemPurchase, invoicePaymentApproved and …
15 years |
gav |
Allow InventoryItemPurchase, invoicePaymentApproved and …
15 years |
gav |
Prevent tasks in the trash being returned by filterPane unless …
15 years |
gav |
Default task dates to today when manually creating a sub task.
15 years |
gav |
Added integration test for TaskSearchService.getPersonsTasks(). …
15 years |
gav |
Prevent filterPane from sorting by attentionFlag, see ticket #64.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor TaskSearchService.getTasks() to use HQL and avoid bug in …
15 years |
gav |
Adjust TaskSearchService.getPersonsTasks() so that if a person …
15 years |
gav |
Adding an entry to a task with no time booked will now leave the task …
15 years |
gav |
Some comments to CreateDataServiceTests.
15 years |
gav |
Base data is now created during bootstrap in all environments.
Add …
15 years |
gav |
Add inventoryGroup to inventory search view and export.
15 years |
gav |
Create data adjustment, split createBasePersonGroupTypes into a …
15 years |
gav |
Some commenting to AppConfigServiceTests.
15 years |
gav |
Adjust BootStrap.groovy since it is now environment aware.
Small …
15 years |
gav |
Refactor TaskSearchService and associated messages.
15 years |
gav |
Small text correction to work done view.
15 years |
gav |
Removed negative margin from tab headers since it causes selection …
15 years |
gav |
Remove non-existant class from tab headers.
15 years |
gav |
Small correction to taskType sortable column on task search view.
15 years |
gav |
Improved table row onclick implementation for all detailed list and …
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete taskModification controller and views since they should not …
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete un-used site and section extendedAttribute list views.
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete un-used maintenanceAction list view.
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete un-used entryDetailed list view.
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete un-used departmentExtendedAttribute list view.
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete un-used contactDetailed list view.
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete non-detailed assignedGroup and assignedPerson controllers …
15 years |
gav |
Add work done by person and date feature with view and search logic.
15 years |
gav |
Add recentlyUsed inventoryItem quick search.
15 years |
gav |
Replace nulling of session attributes with removeAttribute() in task …
15 years |
gav |
Default scheduled to true when creating a new Scheduled task.
Add …
15 years |
gav |
Remember user's sort in task search view.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory item quick search (items below reorder) and remember …
15 years |
gav |
Comments to InventoryItem? doman class.
15 years |
gav |
Some comments to TaskDetailedController and TaskSearchService.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor entry creation to provide correct error messages when trying …
15 years |
gav |
Turn off SQL logging and update messages to suite adjusted task quick …
15 years |
gav |
Configure the root logger to only output to appLog appender in prod …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to task search logic, especially 'my' tasks.
15 years |
gav |
Setup approved and scheduled during subTask creation.
15 years |
gav |
Move params.message and params.errorMessage to shared messages template.
15 years |
gav |
Improve task search and calendar logic.
Move task quick search links …
15 years |
gav |
Add taskType to Task search view export.
15 years |
gav |
Scroll month feature to task search calendar.
Add reasoning, asset and …
15 years |
gav |
Remove 'ROLE_TaskUser' permission from create scheduled task action.
15 years |
gav |
Change Task domain class to have site, section and assetSubItem.
15 years |
gav |
Svn move personGroup and personGroupType controllers and views to …
15 years |
gav |
Svn ignore HelpBalloon?.js
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete HelpBalloon?.js since it will be copied in every time the …
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory item purchase search view and logic.
15 years |
gav |
Only show table headers in search views if there actually are results.
15 years |
gav |
Remove some commented out dead code.
15 years |
gav |
Set renegeApproval permissions to the same as approve ie task manager.
15 years |
gav |
Add (hh:mm) to down time help message.
15 years |
gav |
Upgrade to Grails-1.2.2
15 years |
gav |
Indicate in header that purchase order number is required during import.
15 years |
gav |
Increase loading javascript pulses.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor asset tree generation to improve speed by around 4 fold, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add exportAssetTreeHtml to AssetDetailedController.
15 years |
gav |
Temporarily set production log level of AssetTreeService to debug.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor asset tree generation to improve speed by around 4 fold.
15 years |
gav |
Set batchSize:1000 on asset tree domain classes.
15 years |
gav |
Increase production log levels of Csv services.
15 years |
gav |
Add authorities to PersonCsvService import.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to use inventory item flow and logic and added a clear …
15 years |
gav |
Replace ajax spinner with a new loading bar.