# # ChangeLog for trunk/grails-app/domain/Entry.groovy # # Generated by Trac 1.2 # Feb 27, 2025, 6:50:01 AM Thu, 03 Mar 2011 12:28:16 GMT gav [837] * trunk/grails-app/domain/Entry.groovy (modified) * trunk/grails-app/i18n/messages.properties (modified) Domain change, add highestSeverity to Entry, with custom validation. Wed, 09 Jun 2010 01:36:55 GMT gav [586] * trunk/grails-app/domain/Entry.groovy (modified) * trunk/grails-app/views/taskDetailed/search.gsp (modified) Add taskGroup and detail to task search view, as per ticket #65. New ... Fri, 05 Mar 2010 02:45:43 GMT gav [431] * trunk/grails-app/conf/Config.groovy (modified) * trunk/grails-app/controllers/ProductionReferenceDetailedController.groovy (added) * trunk/grails-app/domain/Entry.groovy (modified) * trunk/grails-app/domain/ProductionReference.groovy (added) * trunk/grails-app/i18n/messages.properties (modified) * trunk/grails-app/services/CreateDataService.groovy (modified) * trunk/grails-app/services/TaskService.groovy (modified) * trunk/grails-app/views/entryDetailed/create.gsp (modified) * trunk/grails-app/views/entryDetailed/edit.gsp (modified) * trunk/grails-app/views/entryDetailed/show.gsp (modified) * trunk/grails-app/views/productionReferenceDetailed (added) * trunk/grails-app/views/productionReferenceDetailed/create.gsp (added) * trunk/grails-app/views/productionReferenceDetailed/edit.gsp (added) * trunk/grails-app/views/productionReferenceDetailed/list.gsp (added) * trunk/grails-app/views/productionReferenceDetailed/show.gsp (added) * trunk/grails-app/views/taskDetailed/createImmediateCallout.gsp (modified) * trunk/grails-app/views/taskDetailed/show.gsp (modified) Add !ProductionReference. Add !ProductionManager and !ProductionUser ... Sun, 05 Apr 2009 05:43:29 GMT gav [104] * trunk/.classpath (moved) * trunk/.project (moved) * trunk/COPYING (moved) * trunk/README (moved) * trunk/application.properties (moved) * trunk/build.xml (moved) * trunk/gnuMims-test.launch (moved) * trunk/gnuMims.launch (moved) * trunk/gnuMims.tmproj (moved) * trunk/grails-app (moved) * trunk/ivy.xml (moved) * trunk/ivysettings.xml (moved) * trunk/lib (moved) * trunk/scripts (moved) * trunk/src (moved) * trunk/test (moved) * trunk/web-app (moved) Move /trunk/src/* to /trunk/ Sun, 05 Apr 2009 05:41:22 GMT gav [103] * trunk/appsrc (moved) Rename /src to /appsrc in preparation for moving /trunk/src/* to /trunk/