14 years |
gav |
Return error message on equipment register (OH&S) report submit when …
14 years |
gav |
Return error message on immediate callouts report submit when endDate …
14 years |
gav |
Fix small bug in reactive ratio report, where BigDecimal? not returned …
14 years |
gav |
Implement ticket #88 - "Implement Regulatory Task Completion on …
14 years |
gav |
Small spelling correction in InventoryItemSearchService comments
14 years |
gav |
Fix small mistype bug in CreateDataService.
14 years |
gav |
New workLoad search view and logic to suite.
14 years |
gav |
Fix lazy initialization bug and optimise fetching in AssignedGroupService.
14 years |
gav |
Work on inventory types base data, added "Tool" and "Service", changed …
14 years |
gav |
Fix for ticket #85, Null pointer bug on inventory reports.
14 years |
gav |
Add admin feature to create recommended extended attributes for assets …
14 years |
gav |
Add admin feature to create recommended extended attributes for assets …
14 years |
gav |
Change assetDetail report to allow reporting by section and display …
14 years |
gav |
Tweak asset and equipment register reports to show blank strings in …
14 years |
gav |
Add some extendedAttribute base and demo data.
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to assetRegister report, adding site and section to page …
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to equipementRegister report, adding asset detail and layout.
14 years |
gav |
Update asset and equipment register reports with new headers.
14 years |
gav |
Work around for 'more than 4' bug in inventory value reports.
The …
14 years |
gav |
New report: Inventory Value Overview.
14 years |
gav |
Rename Inventory Value report to Inventory Detailed Value.
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to Inventory Value report.
14 years |
gav |
New report: Inventory Value, remove pictures due to JVM size limits …
14 years |
gav |
New report: Inventory Value.
14 years |
gav |
Add estimatedUnitPrice to demo data.
14 years |
gav |
Bug fix for ticket #83.
14 years |
gav |
New asset report: Equipment Register.
14 years |
gav |
Two new asset reports: Asset Detail and Asset Register.
14 years |
gav |
Small correction to TaskReportService comments.
14 years |
gav |
Demo data adjustments to ExtendedAttributeTypes and …
14 years |
gav |
Small improvement to Stock Take By Location report, sort locations …
14 years |
gav |
Add inventory reorder search.
14 years |
gav |
Comment to DateUtilService? class.
14 years |
gav |
Add feature to import inventory item pictures from zip file, part 2.
14 years |
gav |
Add feature to import inventory item pictures from zip file.
14 years |
gav |
Domain change: Add PurchasingGroup?.
Logic and views to suite.
14 years |
gav |
Check for authorisation on recurring tasks.
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to inventory text search.
14 years |
gav |
Apply bug fix for ticket #76.
Rename all instances of Lucene to …
15 years |
gav |
Add order search button to Inventory purchasing tab.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, rename InventoryItem property enableReorder to …
15 years |
gav |
Prevent reordering of obsolete or inactive inventory items.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, several changes to InventoryItemPurchase.
Update views …
15 years |
gav |
Add default.please.select.text and default.none.select.text messages. …
15 years |
gav |
Trim inventory purchase order number.
Allow editing of any purchase's …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to purchasing, update order amount with total invoice …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to purchasing, calculate remaining value amounts.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, added safetyRequirement, mandatoryRegulatory and …
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to base task groups created in r576, see ticket #65.
15 years |
gav |
First draft of displaying work load on task calendar, see ticket #66.
15 years |
gav |
New defaultSort for Tasks, sort by status then priority then target …
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to rebuilding index log messages.
15 years |
gav |
Add more base task groups as per ticket #65.
15 years |
gav |
Stop lucene mirroring and reindex after bulk data creation.
15 years |
gav |
Start lucene mirroring and index after creating bootstrap data.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, remove scheduled attribute from Task.
Update views and …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to inventory text search, add inventoryGroup and hide …
15 years |
gav |
Adjust InventoryReportService getStockTakeByLocation() for MSSQL.
15 years |
gav |
Install searchable plugin, configure and start inventory search.
15 years |
gav |
Small refator of DateUtilService.
New plusMonth() replaces …
15 years |
gav |
Get Task Search filterpane associatedPropertyValues in controller …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to stockTakeByLocation report, includes heap memory …
15 years |
gav |
Add InventoryItemService savePicture(), part 2.
Add some more …
15 years |
gav |
Add InventoryItemService savePicture().
Add bulk tests for inventory …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Inventory Stock Take reports, MSSQL does not like …
15 years |
gav |
Add new Inventory Stock Take reports.
15 years |
gav |
Update report templates, add downloadTemplate action and general tidy …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Immediate Callout Report.
15 years |
gav |
Start Immediate Callout report.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor CreateDataService so that demo asset tree is created first, …
15 years |
gav |
Add ReportController, TaskReportService and start template reports.
15 years |
gav |
Tweak CreateDataService to prevent issues during testing.
Repair …
15 years |
gav |
Refactor TaskSearchServicve getBudgetTasks() to use HQL.
15 years |
gav |
Remove "Predictive Maintenance" TaskType.
15 years |
gav |
Default task dates to today when manually creating a sub task.
15 years |
gav |
Added integration test for TaskSearchService.getPersonsTasks(). …
15 years |
gav |
Refactor TaskSearchService.getTasks() to use HQL and avoid bug in …
15 years |
gav |
Adjust TaskSearchService.getPersonsTasks() so that if a person …
15 years |
gav |
Adding an entry to a task with no time booked will now leave the task …
15 years |
gav |
Create data adjustment, split createBasePersonGroupTypes into a …
15 years |
gav |
Refactor TaskSearchService and associated messages.
15 years |
gav |
Add work done by person and date feature with view and search logic.
15 years |
gav |
Add recentlyUsed inventoryItem quick search.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory item quick search (items below reorder) and remember …
15 years |
gav |
Some comments to TaskDetailedController and TaskSearchService.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor entry creation to provide correct error messages when trying …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to task search logic, especially 'my' tasks.
15 years |
gav |
Setup approved and scheduled during subTask creation.
15 years |
gav |
Improve task search and calendar logic.
Move task quick search links …
15 years |
gav |
Scroll month feature to task search calendar.
Add reasoning, asset and …
15 years |
gav |
Indicate in header that purchase order number is required during import.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor asset tree generation to improve speed by around 4 fold, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Refactor asset tree generation to improve speed by around 4 fold.
15 years |
gav |
Add authorities to PersonCsvService import.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to use inventory item flow and logic and added a clear …
15 years |
gav |
Add constraints to Task domain class for targetCompletionDate and …
15 years |
gav |
Add maxSubTasks and useTargetCompletionDate to TaskRecurringSchedule …
15 years |
gav |
Add CostCode and InventoryItemPurchase domain classes with import …