14 years |
gav |
Fix early closed table row on clickableOdd/clickableEven list tables.
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to InventoryItem views.
14 years |
gav |
Domain change: as per ticket #96 - Remove unused fields from …
14 years |
gav |
Domain change: as per ticket #96 - Remove unused fields from …
14 years |
gav |
Domain change: remove InventoryItem.averageDeliveryPeriod and …
14 years |
gav |
Define inventory item properties and help messages.
14 years |
gav |
Domain change, implemented ticket #90 - …
14 years |
gav |
Bug fix for ticket #83, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory reorder search, part 3.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory reorder search, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory reorder search.
15 years |
gav |
Small change to InventoryItem search view, single description column.
15 years |
gav |
Small change to InventoryItem search view, remove unit as a table …
15 years |
gav |
Add feature to import inventory item pictures from zip file, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add feature to import inventory item pictures from zip file.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to inventory text search.
15 years |
gav |
Add order search button to Inventory purchasing tab, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add order search button to Inventory purchasing tab.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, rename InventoryItem property enableReorder to …
15 years |
gav |
Fix NPE during pagination after setSearchParamsMax in search views.
15 years |
gav |
Prevent reordering of obsolete or inactive inventory items.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, several changes to InventoryItemPurchase.
Update views …
15 years |
gav |
Add custom global setting for currencyList.
Update inventoryItem views …
15 years |
gav |
Improve work flow when working from inventoryItemPurchase search view.
15 years |
gav |
Add red banner for obsolete and not active inventory items, as per …
15 years |
gav |
Add onload input focus to inventory search view.
15 years |
gav |
Add indication to inventory item tabs.
15 years |
gav |
Add action to single submit forms so that hitting enter submits the …
15 years |
gav |
Move inventory text search from quick search pane to front and centre.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to inventory text search, add inventoryGroup and hide …
15 years |
gav |
Add help balloon to inventory text search.
15 years |
gav |
Small text adjustment to inventory search view.
15 years |
gav |
Install searchable plugin, configure and start inventory search.
15 years |
gav |
Get Inventory Search filterpane associatedPropertyValues in controller …
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to inventory advanced search.
Only active assets and …
15 years |
gav |
Add inventoryGroup to inventory search view and export.
15 years |
gav |
Remove non-existant class from tab headers.
15 years |
gav |
Improved table row onclick implementation for all detailed list and …
15 years |
gav |
Add recentlyUsed inventoryItem quick search.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory item quick search (items below reorder) and remember …
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory item purchase search view and logic.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to use inventory item flow and logic and added a clear …
15 years |
gav |
Cleanup dateFormat in all filterpane currentCriteria.
15 years |
gav |
Add CostCode and InventoryItemPurchase domain classes with import …
15 years |
gav |
Change InventoryItem to have a preferred and many alternate suppliers …
15 years |
gav |
Handle InventoryItem reverse alternateItems.
15 years |
gav |
Add Inventory import/export functionality.
15 years |
gav |
Add comment property to InventoryItem domain class and views.
15 years |
gav |
Add a plus(+) sign to all detailed views with an Add link.
15 years |
gav |
Add estimatedUnitPrice to InventoryItem.
Change InventoryItem to use …
15 years |
gav |
Add options div to InventoryItem search view and some minor detailing …
15 years |
gav |
Some detailing of InventoryItem views.
15 years |
gav |
Complete functionality for inventory movement types other than "Used".
15 years |
gav |
Complete inventory movement implementation as per ticket #24.
Refactor …
15 years |
gav |
Detail InventoryItem? create and edit views.
15 years |
gav |
CSS improvements, add images to login and search buttons.
15 years |
gav |
Add support for inventory item Pictures and Images.
Add new …
15 years |
gav |
Resolve ticket #12 again.
Turn query cache on again since this did not …
15 years |
gav |
Substantial refactor of the Inventory domain.
InventoryItems can now …
15 years |
gav |
Add filterPane to Asset and Inventory search views.
15 years |
gav |
Replace all deprecated "createLinkTo" links with "resource".
15 years |
gav |
Install Navigation plugin, work on navigation and hopefully fixed a …
16 years |
gav |
Detail Inventory and associated, update BootStrap? and some work on …
16 years |
gav |
Detail controller and views for Asset, AssetExtendedAttribute?, …
16 years |
gav |
First commit of Inventory domain, including domain-classes, …