Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'mandatoryRegulatory' and 'positiveFault' flags to Task.
Change History (4)
Summary: |
Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'legalRequirement' flags to Task. →
Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'regulatoryRequirement' flags to Task.
Summary: |
Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'regulatoryRequirement' flags to Task. →
Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'regulatoryRequirement' and 'positiveFault' flags to Task.
Summary: |
Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'regulatoryRequirement' and 'positiveFault' flags to Task. →
Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'mandatoryRegulatory' and 'positiveFault' flags to Task.
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
new →
Implemented at r592.